
Marilyn Stratford

Philander Smith College, B.A. Sociology

University of Little Rock, M.A. in Mass Communications

As a recent graduate from UALR, I learned from excellent academic staff that were professional journalists and professors who have worked in the Mass Comm arena for many years. Mass- media includes its multi-media platforms, digital technology, and especially social media. Within this website, I plan to offer the most recent clarity concerning media usage by seniors, which on this site they will be referred to as Savvy Seniors.

Shocking to many is that there has been a trend globally, whereby, seniors are getting out of those old classical-type rocking chairs and exchanging them for laptops, tablets, and other digital media devices. Again, these type of seniors are definitely savvy seniors, no matter if they are novices or beyond. Savvy seniors are individuals who are attempting to learn digital technologies and increasingly new multi-media platforms while they engage with others through the internet and experience an almost addictive positive behavior as a result. The savvy seniors simply want to remain relevant by connecting to their family and friends through media to remain valuable assets in their lives and communities.

Within this website, I will upload media-linked resources, articles, and stories about active senior users of media. Inclusive in this website there will be interesting interviewee’s responses revealed from data discovered from my graduate professional study project about senior usage of media. My professional study project included twelve, 55 plus interviewees from various ethnicities, ages, educational backgrounds, religious faiths, and genders.

On this website, it will serve as a clearing house of media relatable articles uploaded from other senior web based organizations sites who have similar missions. There will be fresh upcoming personal stories as well. The content on this website attempts to inspire and encourage all savvy seniors in the correct method of using media for whichever entry level they are at. Let’s remain excited, and begin!

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:11-13

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